
HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition

Competition application will commence on November 15, 2015. Below is the time schedule for the Competition:

Date Event
November 15Promotion Starts
January 4Information Session
February 12Deadline of Application
February 13
February 28
Round 1 Assessment
March 4Round 1 Result Announcement
March 8Workshop / General Feedback Session
March 24Deadline for Round 2 Submission
March 25
April 12
Round 2 Assessment
April 15Round 2 Result Announcement
April 231-Day Workshop for 16 Finalist Teams / Mentor meet up
May 22Round 3 Submission
 Round 3 Assessment
June 11. Trade Show and Elevator Pitch
June 22. Business Plan
June 2Final Round
June 3Award Dinner
* Entrepreneurship Center may change the dates pending unexpected changes in the circumstances and will update/consult applicants if the need arises.